Corporate Responsibilities

The Heart of the Matter...

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The Heart of the Matter…



At the core of Logistics Executive Group are the principles of integrity, honesty and respect and support for people, and our reputation is founded on these. The trust and confidence of those with whom we deal, as well as the communities in which we operate and support, are valued assets, critical to our continued growth and success.


We are an equal opportunities employer and are committed to attracting, developing and retaining premium talent. Two-way communication is encouraged to ensure that the issues affecting our team members are taken into account during the development and review of strategies and policies. We operate in strict observance of, support, and promote Health & Safety Standards and Laws in all regions we operate.

Humanitarian / Community

We strive to deliver our expertise and support to those who seek it wherever possible irrespective of economic, geographic, political or other barriers and provide professional services to a number of donor funded humanitarian organizations and in-need communities on a pro bono basis. We have represented the World Economic Forum Airport Emergency Team, deploying a rapid response logistics team as part of one of the world’s largest civilian heavy lift air cargo handling operations in Colombo Sri Lanka as part of recovery efforts during the 2004 Asian Tsunami. This deployment was followed by the insertion of Australian Supply Chain expertise to assist post Tsunami Aid Management.

Oasis Africa

We established the Oasis Africa Australia School in one of Africa’s largest slums in Kibera, Nairobi Kenya in 2005 and are committed to providing education, food, healthcare and security to the rapidly expanding population of 1200 mainly orphaned it serves. We invite you to join the many individuals and organisations in the international logistics community who support this sustainable project We take our corporate and humanitarian responsibility seriously, and encourage others to do so – it is an opportunity to be a positive force for good. Logistics Executive Group is an accredited service provider to the United Nations.

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